Friday, December 21, 2018


As if I expected anything less of 2018, it has come to an end with a bang and not the good kind of bang.  This week we had a situation with Jay, you know the child who ran me ragged when he was small but hasn't given me an ounce of trouble since middle school, yeah that child.  I won't go into detail on my blog but I will say this, the trouble could have been quite serious but because of the grace that was shown to Jay and his buddies they will get through this without a permanent stain on their record.  Instead they have had to communicate with countless people, apologize, and start community service which will spill well into 2019.  They are a good group of boys, but they are teenage boys who are just plain stupid.  I spent a lot of time in prayer this week, praying that the boys would be granted grace and that each of them would grow in their own faith from this.  Last night I reminded Jay of the grace he was given and that one day it is my hope that he can pay it forward and give grace to someone else who so desperately needs it.  I truly love these teachable lessons where kids learn about character, honesty, respect, and grace.  The lessons that hurt but don't leave a long lasting wound.  It has been a stressful week.  I've spent a week with my stomach in knots, a feeling and emotion I'm all too familiar with from this year, but it's still a week where when it's all said and done I realize once again just how weak I am without Jesus.

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