Sunday, March 17, 2019

Spring is coming

It is Sunday, late afternoon as I write this.  The sun is shining and although you still need a coat (or at least I do) to be outside, there are hints that spring is on its way which is a very good thing, considering this has been a very long winter filled with a ton of snow and bitterly cold temperatures.  Usually around March is when I start questioning my sanity as to why I choose to live in a state that not only is terrible for taxes but has long and rotten winters.  I might be able to overlook the taxes if only the weather was enjoyable or vice versa, overlooking the weather if the taxes were great.  In any case I will still stay planted in Illinois until God makes it clear it's time for me to go - I might pray that is sooner than later but I digress.
Jay has lined up a job for the summer with a landscaper.  We all hope that provides income for him to take care of his truck all summer, give him spending cash and a little left over to save with.  Nick is running track and is itching to get back out on the water to fish.  Today as we were leaving church and there were snowflakes falling on us Nick asked if he could fish!  We told him that was a hard No!  Nick is happiest when he's busy and social.  He has the best of both worlds right now with track and our across the street neighbor, Mason, who he spends a ton of time with.  Mike and I also agree that spending money on the concrete pad and the basketball hoop was the best money we've ever spent.  Both boys enjoy shooting hoops together in the evenings.  It's been a blessing to hear them laugh together.  Mostly they argue but it's music to my ears when I hear them laughing while shooting hoops.  Mike is busy with his work.  I am grateful and as more time goes by I think we can really do this, we just might be able to make this work.  We have set a goal for Mike to retire in 9 years.  There are some hurdles we have to jump over in order to make that happen and honestly I have no idea how we will get over one big hurdle but I don't spend much time worrying about it.  What will happen, will happen.  As I've said before I know nothing and I'm so not in control of much of anything. I am doing well.  My sister and I honored dad and visited his grave on March 15, the one year anniversary of his death.  I have dusted myself off from the devastation and destruction of 2018.  I know that not all of it was devastation.  There were many blessings in the destruction, but it was still hard.  As I sit here today my life is different.  If this year has taught me anything it's that life is short and fragile.  I am hopeful for what this new season called spring will bring.  One thing I do know is that in a few short weeks my mom and sister are getting new family members - more to come on this so stay tuned.  Happy Spring!!

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