Thursday, March 28, 2019

Walker and wisdom teeth

Meet Walker!  In October my mom starting talking about wanting a dog.  Kim and I were less than thrilled and to be quite honest every time mom brought it up, we avoided addressing it.  Kim and I live by "Whatever Sue wants, Sue gets," but this was pushing it.  Mom was really testing our new motto.  As time went on and we began a new year with a new beginning Mom needed Kim less and less and she was gaining back so much of her independence.  In fact as of today I would say mom has gained 85% of her life back from before her stroke.  The only thing that has changed is she's less active and needs some but very little assistance from Kim or I.  Mom knew that after her stroke she would not be traveling as much as she did and she would be at home more - Enter the dog idea.  Mom has always been in love with my Cole and Mike told her that if she got a vizsla we would watch the dog for her if and when she traveled.  By February Kim and I suddenly loved the idea of mom getting a dog.  Maybe it was a God thing, perhaps He was planting the seed.  We knew a dog would provide much needed companionship.  The rest is history except there is more.  Not only did my mom adopt Walker but my sister is adopting Callie, my Copper's mom.  We literally have a family of vizslas!  Walker is a testament to God's faithfulness and healing.  Never did I think my mom would truly want a dog (but trust me, she did) let alone handle a dog and on top of that fall in love with a dog!  God is good and dogs are awesome! 
On another note, this week has been Jay and Nick's spring breaks.  The weather has been wonderful which is why I can write this with a cheerful heart.  Sadly the boys have been sick or in recovery.  On Monday Nick was diagnosed with Influenza A and strep throat.  Thankfully it was short lived and 2 days later he was feeling better.  On Wednesday Jay had all four of his wisdom teeth removed.  He is doing well but it's not the most fun way to spend your spring break but as I told Jay he was not missing any school/homework, he is not working so he's not missing any pay and he might as well have it done on his parents dime.  
Today it was 70 degrees.  I was so thankful!.  It's been a long and cold winter.  Mike and I are anxious to tackle our summer yard projects which will be labor intensive but it seems like there is nothing Mike does in our house that is not labor intensive.  
I am ready for spring.  Nick is running track and playing on a basketball league one night per week in which Jay is coaching.  It should be interesting to say the least.  I have a love/hate relationship with track.  I love it because Nick LOVES it but I hate it because it takes a TON of time. I remind myself that eventually these days will be gone.  I try to soak them up as much as I can while they last! 

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