Saturday, March 30, 2019

The end of another spring break

 This blog is going to sound negative and truly I don't mean it to be, all things considered I made it through this week rather well but it was another spring break dud.  The only bright spot was my mom getting Walker and thankfully the weather was not terrible.  It was nice enough to get outside and not freeze to death and it didn't rain in epic proportions (like it usually does).  My week was spent  juggling work in between driving the boys to doctor appointments.  I was at doctor appointments three times this week.  The week was also spent managing medications.  Nick was diagnosed with influenza A and strep on Monday and was on two different meds and Jay's list of oral hygiene after his surgery consisted of two medications, one of which he took four times per day, then lots of gargling with salt water followed by another concoction the oral surgeon gave him, followed by squirting gel into his mouth to prevent dry sockets.  Two days after the surgery Jay was so swollen.  He looked like a chipmunk storing nuts in his cheek.  I took him back to the doctor (appt #3 for the week) just to be certain he did not have dry sockets.  The doctor assured us the swelling was normal and Jay was healing.  Needless to say Jay was in a super good mood.  And Nick was really cranky too.
The day before Jay's surgery a few of his friends came over to hang out.  It's rare that Jay's friend come to our house.  These pictures pretty much stink but any mother of a 17 year old boy knows you don't go out and start snapping pictures of your son and his friends.  Instead you stand at your kitchen window, praying they don't see you and snap pictures through a screen.  I wanted to document that our basketball hoop was being used.  Spending money on the concrete pad and basketball hoop was not part of our budget but it was worth every penny.  My boys use it all the time!

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