Monday, April 22, 2019

A boys life

 This Easter weekend Jay and his buddies (Parker, Kaden, Aaron and Ayden) came up with this idea (above).  They made a picnic table float!  I love it.  I thought it was genius.  Those boys worked all day on Saturday and late in the afternoon on Easter Sunday they took it out for its maiden voyage and it was successful!  Mike and I always joke that these boys are idiots (we say that with love b/c they are all 17) but man they are a good group of boys!  They are blessed to have each other.

 We did not have school today so Nick started his day doing what he does best - fishing!  Today was his first day out and in the 5 hours he fished, he caught 23 fish.  Nick is kind of a grouch these days.  I'm just saying.  I don't know if it's a preview of what the teenage years are going to be like with him (kind of reminds me of age 3 with him, not fun!), but Mike and I are preparing for the worst -hoping for the best.
Anyway, I would not let him take his phone with him to bed last night which meant I had to wake him up this morning.  I woke him up at 5:30 a.m, as requested, and apparently I didn't do a good job of waking him up because he fell back to sleep.  At 6:30 he got out of bed and was like a grumpy old man.  He was mad at me then he turned his rage at the weather.  He claimed it was too windy to go fishing!  Mike got after him before he left for work and I heard them arguing in the driveway.  I was almost jealous that Mike got to do physical labor today as it meant he got to leave the house.  Finally at 7:00 Nick decided he would make a go of it.  It turned out to be a great fishing day for him.  I reminded him of that when he got home.  It should be an "interesting" summer!  Ugh! Once again it's another example of how I have to stay one step ahead of my boys and some days are better than others.
Nick and our neighbor, Mason, are thick as thieves these days.  They are doing everything together.  They fish together, four wheel together and play ball together.  This picture is of Mason, Nick and Mason's friend.  Mason is in 8th grade and in reality Nick and M. are 18 months apart.  I really like Mason and his friendship with Nick this season has been a blessing!

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