Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

 As I write this it's Sunday, Easter night.  What a day!  The weather was perfect.  We could not have ordered a more perfect day.  It was sunny, 70 degrees with a nice breeze.  We went to Kim's church for Easter service and then had lunch at my house.  The day was busy as all 5 dogs joined us, along with our four kiddos, but it was filled with joy.
 Mom and her grands.  Jay (17), Nick (12 but only a week away from being 13).  Lauren (11) and Luke (8).
 Mom and her dog, Walker.  Walker, like his brother, Cole, thinks he's a lap dog when in reality he is not.  Walker thought nothing of jumping up on mom's lap while she was relaxing at my breakfast bar.
 Here are all 5 dogs!  Who knew that between me, mom and Kim we would have four vizsla's and Peanut!  It was a cluster today but so fun.  As I write this my dogs are sound asleep and something tells me mom's dog and Kim's dogs are sound asleep too.
My boys!  They look cute but you have no idea what it took to get them to cooperate for this photo op!
Luke  is playing baseball this spring/summer.  Jay and Nick threw the ball for him the yard.  The weather was absolutely perfect.  Did I mention that already?
As the sun rose this morning I thought of what Mary Magdalene must have felt like when she discovered Jesus was no longer in his tomb!  Looking past all the bunnies, all the food and candy, the reason for Easter is eternal life.  Emptiness in our life is just that, empty, but an empty tomb has an entirely different meaning and Praise God for that!

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