Monday, July 22, 2019


It's been awhile since I blogged. July has been filled with ups, downs and some coasting along the way.  On July 1 my mom fell on her bad leg.  She did not break anything but she strained ligaments which was painful for her and as a result she became sedentary (rightfully so) which for someone who already has a weak leg, it did not bode well.  By July 6 she could no longer take care of Walker so we have inherited another dog, temporarily.  By July 8, she could no longer take care of herself.  On July 10 mom went to a short term care facility (she hates it when we call it a nursing home).  It is our hope she is able to go home sometime this week, but with going home we face another set of challenges.  Her walking is not good.  Her pain is gone but the leg is very weak.  All we can do is get a discharge date, try to be as proactive as we can (we do have help hired when she gets home) and pray.  For mom the month has been filled with disappointments.  We had a huge party planned to celebrate her recovery at the one year anniversary date of her stroke.  That party was cancelled.  Mom also had to miss her 50th high school class reunion.  As I write this there isn't much emotion involved and that isn't because I want to sound heartless.  If the past three years have taught me anything it's that this life is unpredictable.  It can change in a blink of an eye and there is no sense in wallowing.  You have to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.  Mom demonstrates this everyday in what has been a year long struggle for her.  There are times I simply can't believe I have come full circle and Kim and I are witnessing the effects of a stroke with our other parent.  Wasn't one parent enough?  I quickly push these negative thoughts, which are certainly placed in my head by Satan himself, aside and ask Jesus for guidance.  Some days are better than others.  I recognize I'm human and I truly know nothing and I try to keep an eternal perspective.
Moving onto to my boys - a happier subject.  Mike is finishing a project he's been working on since April!  His deadline is Aug. 10.  It is my hope he can then catch up with other projects he committed to and "coast" the rest of the year, but we'll see.  Again, my idea of how things should or might go usually go the total opposite way.  Mary was over the other night and reminded me how much God has blessed Mike's business.  Although I know this to be true, the demands of daily life get the best of me and I can sometimes lose sight of this fact.
Jay is doing great this summer.  He is sun-kissed, gorgeous and a work horse.  He has even had a few dates with a girl!  He continues to work full time for a landscaper and that job has served him well.  He has plans to go to the Ozarks with "the boys" in a few weeks.  I simply cannot believe he will be a senior.  He's a typical soon to be senior.  He's gone all the time!  Ha.  He joked the other day he will actually be glad to get back to school because he can stop getting up at 6am every morning!
Nick is also doing great.  He looks like a surfer.  He is bleach blond, tan with his piercing blue eyes.  He went to track camp last week and enjoyed it.  He is spending hours fishing each week, his favorite past time.  The start of summer was rough for Nick and I, but when he got home from church camp in June, the tides turned and the Nick we know and love returned!  I'm hoping and praying for a smooth transition to school.

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