Friday, July 5, 2019

Our a nutshell

 I have loved every minute of this past week.  The only down side was my mom fell on Monday and thankfully she didn't break anything but she did hurt herself.  Her fall has really hindered her plans this week and its very frustrating.  Nick had his good friend, Chase, over this week.  They spent an entire day together, fishing and hanging out.  Nick went to fireworks with Chase on July 3!
 The best treat of the week was that Faith and Curt were in town.  Faith and her friends came out on Monday night. As I write this tonight Curt and Faith are coming back out tonight and they, along with Sieb have a flight to TX tomorrow morning.  How I miss these kids but it sure does my heart well to see them!

 Sarah was kind enough to drive the girls out on Monday night!

 Some thing never change.  Nick still loves to fish!  I took these pictures the night of July 3.  I adore these pictures.  I think they really reveal how much Nick loves to fish!  Fishing is his happy place.

As the week draws to a close I'm thankful for a lot of things.  One thing that has been on my mind a lot is my mom's year anniversary of her first stroke (July 9).  We are all thankful we can view that time from our rear view mirror but there have been struggles and this week was another reminder that mom's life is different.  Everything she does takes longer and requires more patience.  I'm very thankful she continues to live in her own home and who would have thought she would have a dog!  But Walker has been a huge blessing!
Mike is getting ready to spend a few days in TX.  I'm praying he can relax, enjoy his time with his dearest and oldest friend and come home refreshed!

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