Sunday, May 17, 2020

Graduation, Class of 2020

This happened today.  Graduation didn't quite look like we thought it would but none the less, it was still a really nice day - even though it poured all day long!  I'm pretty sure the virtual graduation that was put on today was for the history books.  Our principal gave the speech from the gym which was empty and a few people gave speeches virtually from the comfort of their bedrooms.  One of Jay's friends parents invited a few kids over, along with their parents so we could watch the virtual graduation together.  Sure it wasn't the same but these days you've got to get creative.

Sadly Nick couldn't attend the virtual graduation.  All parents kept their other kids at home as siblings would have just lead to more people.
Just a handful of the kids from the Class of 2020!  What a group.  So proud of these kids.
Jay and Reece, friends since 1st grad. 

This is what the ceremony looked like.  Each kid has their name read and a picture of them came across the screen. 
What a great day.  It wasn't what any of us thought the day would be but such is life.  These kids are a part of history - good or bad - they lived it and experienced it.  I can't wait to see what great things they do in small ways!  They are a tight knit group.  Many of my high school friendships faded after high school but I just don't think that will happen with this group!  To be young again!  The options are limitless for them.  May God bless them all.

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