Sunday, May 10, 2020

Shelter in Place & being 46

Well it's true 2020 is not turning out at all like I had hoped or planned it would, however, there are still bright spots.  My sister surprised me last night and brought Mary and Sarah with her.  Mom even made a quick appearance.  The weather cooperated, even if it was a bit chilly, and we sat on the patio and deck doing what we do best, eating, drinking and laughing together.  After not spending any time with my friends for over 8 weeks it was wonderful to see them and truly made me appreciate the time we spent together.
Thoughts on being 46.  I got nothing this year other than eat cinnamon rolls for your birthday breakfast with coffee!  I've been listening to my pastor, Mike, every morning.  Mike looks forward to Fridays because he and his wife get these amazing cinnamon rolls.  I decided to try for myself.  They did not disappoint.
What a wonderful evening!  Not being able to see or spend time with your friends for weeks is very isolating.  There are so many things I'm seeing now that I find very disturbing.  Please know I am specifically referencing Illinois and not the rest of the country.  I drove by a playground yesterday and there was yellow tape around it - like the murder scene yellow tape.  The tape is up to prevent children playing.  I go into an "essential" store now and everyone is wearing masks so you don't see anyone smile and no one stops to talk to anyone.  Folks are in a big hurry to get in and get out of the store. Illinois has cancelled all sports for kids for the rest of the summer.  People are not in church worshipping.....yet.  Summer camps are cancelled.  Kids won't be attending church camps or mission trips.  Rumors are circulating E-learning will continue into the fall.  Hair salons aren't open yet which saddens me greatly as my own hair dresser, who is my friend and who I love, is suffering.  But last night was a bright spot.  Yes, we did talk about the state of the world but it can be done in my safe zone of my dear sister and my wonderful girlfriends.  Humans are meant to be around others which is something I've taken for granted.  I never realized how much I would miss my friends until I couldn't see them or hug them.  Never again.  I am forever grateful for my tribe of women!

And oh yeah, it's Mother's day too!  Happy Mother's day, mom!  I love you.  I admire you greatly!  You have overcome so many obstacles.  As you always say, keep on keeping on!  Every day with you is a gift.

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