Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jay's "better late than never" grad party

When Covid happened and everything shut down I knew we could not have a graduation party for Jay in May or June. It appears that until we have a vaccine Covid is here to stay.  We try to live as normal as possible which these days is challenging - given everything that is going on but yesterday was just a little slice of heaven.  For weeks leading up to Jay's party I didn't even think it would happen because nothing I've planned this year has come to fruition. I was cautiously optimistic the party would take place. Not only did it take place but we had beautiful weather.  It was hotter than you know what but no rain and if I had to pick I'd choose heat over rain any day. I could not have had this party without Mike. He set up tents, tables and chairs and helped me get the food ready (for once we didn't cook, we had it catered).
Mike has worked so hard on our backyard.  I tell the boys all the time we have a great yard to get married in (wink, wink).
Aunt Karen came with Uncle Kerry and Michelle and Jocelyn. I'm always so touched by her willingness to drive to all my family events. 
I stole this idea from Jay's friend, Ayden. His mother had displayed Ayden's pics on this wooden pallet.  It was super easy!
My girls! As always Jenny was missed. Sarah and Mary are such beautiful friends.
I love this group. We have known them since our boys were in elementary school.  It's our boys that cemented our friendships! 
We could not celebrate Jay without having Miss Christy. She wrote him the sweetest note in his card. Jay started going to Miss Christy's house when he was 2! Jay still talks about her sausage biscuits that she made him for breakfast.
Our neighbors! Laura and I have literally raised Savanah and Jay together. We took so many walks together wondering how on earth we were going to get them raised and stay sane at the same time. Through the grace of God we did it! Savanah is an outstanding young woman with a bright future and Jay aint bad himself - ha!
The boys! Jay has a unique group of friends. I've never seen a group of boys that has each others back as much as this group of boys. I enjoy each one of them and Jay is blessed to have them as friends.

I could not have done this party without my sister. Back in May when I was super depressed about Jay's senior year and all the festivities coming to an abrupt end she brightened my day by putting together a photo slide show and video for him. Then she helped me play his grad party, helped with the food and was great entertainment too - as only Kim can be! Even Jay's friends thought Aunt Mimi was pretty cool!

Uncle Mike brought mom out.  I was so thankful and so was mom.  It was so thoughtful of him to drive all that way to take his sister! Mom loved coming out and seeing everyone. God bless her though because it was blazing hot!! 
Nick is a detasseling fool these days.  It's been horrifically hot and because it's peak season he is working everyday, sometimes up to 10 hours per day. He comes home hot and smelly! But he hasn't complained....much. He just keeps thinking about the money! Last night he missed some of Jay's party but we were all there to greet him when he got home from another day in the field.

Jay's party was a success but as usual I got up this morning worrying that I didn't do this or didn't do that or I didn't get to talk to this person very long or I hugged that person and I shouldn't have (because of covid). The list of personal criticism was endless when finally what I believe was the Holy Spirit gave me a stern wake up call and reminded me to see the joy in the party and trust me there was a ton of joy! We laughed with our friends and family while we celebrated Jay. And given the uncertainty right now, Jay's party was the first thing in a long time that I had planned for and it actually took place!  That alone is something to celebrate. 
I'm exceptionally proud of Jay. He has a great work ethic, he's dependable, respectful and an easy kid to be around. Although his road right now looks a little blurry without a lot of direction I am confident that in time his road will be made clear and God will use Jay's talents!

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