Sunday, July 25, 2010

A corner turned

Do you like my new pink blog? Ha! I don't know what happened over the weekend but my blog and my sister's blog were only showing our pictures and not our write-ups. Weird. I was able to switch things around and wa-la, I'm back in business.
Something has been going on in my house for a few weeks and I can no longer ignore it. Nick is dressing himself!! I am elated but as is always the case for me I find it bittersweet as my kids get older. I imagine it will be even more bittersweet to watch Nick get older because he is my youngest and last child. Nick is quite pleased with himself that he can dress himself but with that comes mis-matched clothes. I tried not to cringe the other day when he dressed himself for daycare and came down in a bright orange shirt with a huge frog on it and it was a wife beater shirt, no less. Then he wore bright blues shorts to go with the shirt. Needless to say that as soon as that shirt hit the laundry that evening, it mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again, sorry Nick. I wanted to tell Nick to change but that would have down-played what he was trying to do, assert some healthy independence. The other night I was telling him that next summer at this time we would be getting him ready for kindergarten. He paused for a minute and then asked me, "Mom, do they have snacks in kindergarten?" It's typical of Nick to be concerned about the food supply when he starts something new. Ha. So, I may be through the baby stage but I'm really looking forward to what's to come: Third grade with Jay, another year of Prek for Nick, Football games for Jay, and of course watching what mis-matched clothes Nick will dress himself in in the weeks to come.


Katie said...

Yeah for dressing himself! Holden is starting to do this, and just like Nick, the pattern/color combos are atrocious at times! Ha! I also appreciated your 4 year old post. Gave me a lighta the end of the tunnel for the "terrible threes." And I FIRMLY believe it should be terrible threes, not twos. Love Holden to bits, but I swear the day he turned 3 a demon inhabited him!! :)

The Stille's said...

we love the mismatch clothes