Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Fun" in the car

The drive to TN was 10 hours! I was mostly nervous about Nick but he did pretty good. Jenny and I drove down with all 4 kids and amazingly enough we only had to put out a few fires and we both commented on how well they did. Mike and I drove home with our boys and again, the drive went pretty smoothly, even with the car trouble we had in the beginning (more on that later). The following are things I've learned about long car rides with kids:
*Hearing the seats go up and down really can get annoying. Nick, especially, was obsessed with this. Once he figured out he could recline in his seat, he was all about making himself "comfortable."
*Traveling with boys really does put you at an advantage. I traveled with a "pee cup," so when Jay or Nick had to go, they just went. I just had to remember not to drink out of it since I was parched (more on that later too).
*The constant requests for gum (I went through 3 packs), snacks, blankets (and the constant temperature comments, I'm cold, I'm hot), and movie requests.
*Thank goodness for the invention of movies in cars and Nintendo DS, do I really need to say anymore about that?
*One's mouth really can turn into cotton (ha) after not drinking for 10 hours. I try not to drink during long car rides because I pee like a pregnant woman. The drive home was especially brutal. I think I drank 10 gallons of water - just kidding - when I got home on Tuesday night.

The picture above is of the four kids at the pool (Faith, age 10, Curtis, age 8, Jay, age 8, Nick age 4). I love that picture!!

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