Monday, February 17, 2014

Sledding & more snow

 This winter is memorable and not in a good way!  I was complaining today my mom was quick to remind me that all the people out east have been without power for weeks.  Despite all the snow, we haven't lost power and I am thankful for my warm home and appliances so we can eat.  But the snow has been relentless.  We got a snow storm 4 days ago and it came back with a vengeance again today.  It's gotten so bad that tonight when I told Nick to get a bath he argued with me and told me he could take one in the morning.  It was like he fully expected to have yet another snow day tomorrow.  Mike and I had to remind him that although school may be a foreign concept to him right now he does have school tomorrow.  Just about that time "school reach" called which about sends me into panic mode these days.  Thankfully the message is school is starting one hour late tomorrow ..........Hallelujah my boys are going back to school. 
Although I'm not amused by all the snow the boys are still entertained by it.  They love it and will play in it for hours.  The dogs usually join them and we have so much snow their legs get buried and it's like watching Rolo candies sift through the snow.  Every free night we have Mike takes the boys on a sled ride.  Tonight I joined them and it's an experience!  As Mike was hitting about the 5th snow drift I asked him how fast and how many drifts he intended to hit.  His reply, "I make it my goal to knock them out of the sled as many times as possible!"  Needless to say, it's good to be a Siebert boy in all this snow. 

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