Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflections of 2014

It's New Years Eve and another year has come and gone and what a year it's been.  2014 is probably one of those years I will reflect on fondly for years to come.  I am ending the year with my marriage still intact and happy too!  Not to sound sappy or overly dramatic but I am thankful on a daily basis for my faithful and devoted husband.  Watching my parents marriage implode and now seeing marriages of my friends destroyed, a good marriage is never something I take for granted.  My boys are healthy and although my daily job as being their zookeeper keeps me on my toes, I know the day will come when my home will not be filled with their daily laughter.  However, I doubt I will miss Jay jumping out from every corner to scare me (his new favorite hobby).  I am still loving (and I mean loving) my job.  What a blessing it has been to do a job I enjoy and be at home doing it.  My mother is well and is able to come to many of the boys' sporting events - again this is something that if the day ever comes I will miss her walking into the gym with her bleacher chair in tow, ready to watch her grandsons play some ball.  I've enjoyed witnessing Jay's faith grow.  As many parents can attest to, the middle school age can be tough and trust me, there are many days I have to restrain myself from strangling Jay but the good outweighs the bad.  It's been a blessing to see success and confidence back in Nick's eyes this year.  Mike Ausili likes to affectionately refer to Nick as our "future Navy Seal."  He's tough as nails and strong like an ox.  The sky is the limit for both of the boys.  My prayer for them is they get their identity rooted in Christ.  I look forward to 2015.  I don't make new years resolutions.  I have issues with consistency (ha) so I usually fail miserably with resolutions.  However, I do look forward to upcoming vacations, time with friends and family and maybe (just maybe) Mike can finish another project around the house and I can finally get new furniture.  One can always hope, right? 

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