Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Vacation "fog"

Ever since I got home from vacation I feel like I'm not functioning at my normal "rate of speed," like I'm in a fog.  We were only home for one day when our sump quit working during a flood warning! The boys left to go RV'ing with their grandparents so the house is oddly quiet and I have felt like doing nothing.  I will sit down, feel lazy, and a little voice in my head will tell me, you should be doing something.  I ignore it.  I managed to get a shower today by 10:30 - geez!  We haven't even gotten groceries since we got home from vacation.  I picked up some milk and eggs and let's just say Mike and I have eaten a lot of Subway.  I've gotten a small glimpse of what my life with Mike will be like as empty nesters.  We eat dinner around the breakfast bar and then we discuss where I'm sleeping for the night.  Yes, I know, it's pitiful.  I snore (BAD) and Mike has a terrible cold and Jay's bed is comfortable so I'm taking full advantage of him being gone.  And Yes I'm well aware this is not a habit that I want to establish as I age but for the week the boys are gone, I'm rather enjoying it.  So as I wrap up the week I will be glad to get the boys back and hopefully snap out of my vacation fog! 

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