Sunday, October 25, 2015


My neighbor, Jami, is a vet.  About a month ago she was describing an animal she had to exam.  As she described this animal her face scrunched up in disgust.  She said he had a rounded body with long claws.  For some reason she couldn't remember the name of the distasteful animal.  I knew what animal she was describing instantly, a badger.  Why would I know about a badger or why would I care, you ask?  Jay has become obsessed with them.  In late August Jay and Curtis were cruising the internet looking for four wheelers ("shocker).  When they found one they liked, they came up with the word, Badger, as in cool.  At first it was funny but as is always the case with my children, they kill it because they say or do something constantly, to the point where it gets down right annoying.  They take something that was funny initially and then make me want to shove an ice pick in my forehead because I've heard or seen they say or do something so often.  Curtis was and is just as obsessed with the word as Jay.  He recently formed a "Badger Nation" at his school and got reprimanded because if he was going to form a group, badger or no badgers, he needed to include everyone.  The first word and last word out of Jay's mouth nearly everyday is badger.  Our drives to school usually consists of conversations between the boys as to who is considered badgers and who is not. We've clearly established I am not a badger.  Jenny is just as sick of it as I am.  We surmise that between the boys, they must say the word 500 times a day.  I did tell Jay that if he was going to say the word badger 500 times a day, he had to know how to spell it! While there are worse words they could be using, let's just say the word badger is one word I won't soon forget or miss (when they finally stop saying it!). 

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