Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Near and dear friendships

 I am careful of how I approach pictures with Jay in them these days, mostly because they annoy him.  Jay is easily annoyed anyway but then you put his teenage hormones into the mix and let's just say I have to mix up my approach.  Ha.  I have loved watching Jay and his friends through the years.  I imagine that once they are grown, having boys in and out of the house is something I will greatly miss.  I've watched Jay and his friend, Aaron grow up right before my eyes.  They have been friends since second grade.  Love them both.  The above picture was taken just last week.  Aaron is 14 and Jay will be 14 in January. 
 One of my all time favorite pictures.  I think the boys were at the tail end of their 5th grade year in this picture.  Two adorable skinny boys!!  Ha. 
 Jay, Reece and Aaron have been friends since 2nd grade in Miss Snowden's class.  The boys have spent countless hours together with sleep overs, playing sports together and of course, air soft wars. Little brother got to join in on this one.  The majority of Jay's friends are older siblings and I've never had an issue with them including Nick.  The issue is usually with big brother himself. 
                                                                  Halloween - 2012
I'm fairly certain this was taken in second grade.  It's bad that I can't remember but I can say with certainty it was second or third grade.  It's another one of my favorites!  Three innocent smiles! 
And I can't do friend blog post for Jay and not include Curtis.  The boys were 8 years old in this picture.  They are 3 months apart to the day.  In the early years I always felt they were so different but they got along and enjoyed each other.  As they have aged they have discovered they have a lot in common & of all the boys, Curtis has spent the most nights at my house.  He's like my 3rd son!   These two yahoos came up with the genius "Badger" phrase (I've alluded to this ridiculous phrase several times, I promise, more on "Badger" in another blog). 

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