Thursday, November 10, 2016

Our historic election

When I started my blog oh so many years ago, I wanted it to serve as nothing more than a diary to my family.  I don't have blog followers.  In fact my only faithful blog follower is my dear mother (God bless you, mom).  I simply wanted our experiences as a family to be well documented so they wouldn't be forgotten.  So today I don't blog about our historic election to make a political statement.  I blog about it so I can remember how historic it actually was and so that my boys don't forget it.   Despite all odds and predictions, a man who has never served in a political office, Donald Trump, was elected President in the wee hours of Nov. 9, 2016.  While it was true, I wasn't happy with either candidate (Hillary Clinton or Trump), I felt it was imperative to make a decision and vote.  I joked that after I voted I would keep my barf bag handy as I walked out of the polling station. I was fairly confident Clinton would win the election.  When I woke up the wee hours of Nov. 9 I was in complete shock to learn Donald Trump had won.  How did that happen?  In my opinion one reason this election was so unique was it under estimated the power of the American people.  And I have never in my life witnessed such a divisiveness in our country and it saddens me greatly.  I imagine there was a lot of conflict when Lincoln was elected and Lincoln was one of our greatest Presidents.  Despite what I think about Trump, my prayer now is that he will be a moral compass for our country.   

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