Thursday, December 15, 2016

It's Mid-December Already!!!

Once again it's mid-December and I find I am way behind in everything I need to get done, but I'm giving myself a bit of a break.  I told my mom this week that I had opened the door a little too wide and the devil came right in and took over, putting negative thoughts and emotions in my path.  Those negative thoughts weigh me down and don't help anyone, least of all me or my family.  I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, really as I am every year, but this year is different.  I am wrapping up a year that started with a devastating job loss, a start up of a new business, very challenging boys (but good ones), the loss of my dear grandparents, my ankle fracture, blood clot and pulmonary embolism.  It's been a year!  Today I went to the doctor and I'm happy to report my blood clot has dissolved.  I have permanent damage to my valves in my leg so I'll always have some swelling but that's okay.  I've learned that a little swelling in your leg isn't that big of a deal. 

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