Friday, May 25, 2018

Faith's Graduation

 This day finally came.  I know it we all say this but where did time go?  I vividly remember Sieb and I going to visit Faith in the hospital.  I watched this girl literally grow up in front of my eyes.  She has been a joy to her parents and to our family.  She has also worked her butt off and has gotten a nice scholarship and will be headed to the University of Alabama!  Roll Tide Roll!  Last Sunday was truly bittersweet.  There are too many changes going on and they are just hard.  It's one thing to see Faith graduate and know that our time together is coming to end, but when it comes on the heels of her parents leaving too, it's about more than I can take.  It's another reminder to never take anything for granted.  All the laughs we shared over bon fires, outdoor movies, zombie tags (the four kids loved playing this growing up), food (and lots of it), four wheeling and cocktails (for Jenny and I) and target shooting in the back yard (Sieb and Ausili) were all something that will be a part of all eight of us, but especially our kids.  Like Mike Ausili and Sieb they grew up together as siblings.  Our time together will continue, that's what true friendship does, but it will look different from 8 hours away (Faith) and 15 hours away (Mike and Jenny).

 This might go down as one of my all time favorite pictures.  Two of my favorite kids all grown up.
 More of my favorites!  Curt is in for a major change too and I pray for him a lot.  He will be changing schools and will be adjusting to being "an only child."

                                                                   Mike and Jenny!
                                                    Jenny's niece, Taylor and I.

Faith, I pray for abundant blessings in your life.  I pray for your protection and I pray you always remember how much you are loved, not only by God but by your parents and us.  Be true to who you are and never settle.  The sky is the limit!  You go girl.

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