Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jay's new endeavor

Last summer Mike came up with an idea for a summer job for Jay, but when he presented it to Jay he told him he had to see some personal growth his sophomore year.  We have seen the growth and we have helped launch Jay into his own business, J.S. Pressure Washing.  Mike graciously bought him a commercial pressure washer with attachments.  He helped him come up with a price list knowing he'd have to take into account his gas, the products he would need to purchase for his business and what he'd need to make in order to put a little something in his pocket.  We just went "live" two weeks ago and thus far he's had two jobs with a third scheduled next weekend.  It is our hope that Jay can get two - three jobs per week this summer.  We are hoping this builds a ton of confidence in Jay.  After all he's responsible for getting to the jobs in time and being prepared for the jobs.  He has to communicate with the home owner, do a good job, write up an invoice and then ensure he gets paid.  I'm doing the scheduling for Jay, mostly because that would be a lot for him to handle at 16, but also for safety reasons.  I want to know where I'm sending him.  Jay has an exciting summer ahead of him.  I hope he has enough work to keep him busy and keep me from losing my mind (I'm just sayin), and enough work to keep his gas tank filled. He can drive this summer which is a really big deal and a big relief for me.  We are headed to Myrtle Beach as a family in June and Jay will be taking his third CIY trip to Michigan this summer.  We will meet up with the Ausili's in TN over Labor Day weekend for our last hoorah of the summer!  I hope it's a summer where Jay learns more about who he is, what he enjoys, and what his strengths and weaknesses are.  Dream big, Jay, the sky is the limit!

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