Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The pathway to somewhere

Yesterday Jay and I went to visit SIU.  Here's the thing.  One can look at this picture and assume many things but here's the truth, this picture is of a 17 year old boy that has absolutely no clue what he wants to do when he graduates high school.  The visit we had yesterday was very fruitful in that it cemented a few things: Jay is not ready for a four year university.  I believe that socially and academically he would struggle.  He agreed.  As the day progressed the more I thought he would be better served to start out at a junior college (like his momma did) but by late last night and today I'm not even sure that's the right fit for him.  It's a very confusing time for Jay and us, but Jay has to make this decision himself and for himself.  Mike and I can't do it for him.  Yesterday I saw so many kids who seemed to have it all together.  It was kinda annoying, just saying.  My dear friend, Sarah, who is an academic advisor at our local university reminded that there are a ton of kids walking around her campus who have no idea why they are there or what they are doing.  Jay is the square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole.  I certainly don't want him walking around any campus wondering what he's doing.  My prayer for him in the months to come is that he finds his way, that he hones in on something that he enjoys, and feels natural to him.  I know it's there.  I witnessed it first hand this summer when he got a job making more than "the other guys" and by the end of the summer had received a $3 raise and was also working on jobs by himself because he proved he was a hard worker and could be trusted.  

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