Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What we're up to

I came back from my relaxing girls trip and boom, reality hit.  Nick got the mother load of poison ivy (again).  This kid gets poison ivy every year and he gets it BAD.  He gets it in places where he shouldn't, if you know what I mean, and then it spreads to his entire body.  I took him the doctor because getting a steroid is the only thing that seems to calm the itching and gets Nick some much needed rest.  I got a flat tire this week, my second in three months.  Our concrete patio was poured today.  Mike worked so hard on placing the stones for the patio all summer.  It's super exciting to see it all come together.  Mike makes it look easy but trust me that man spent hours this summer putting stones in place.  It took time, money, effort and incredible patience.  As for Jay he and his girlfriend broke up about a month ago.  He has been spending much of his time with his friends, as most senior boys do, but he's also been good with helping Mike around the house.  Due to our travel plans over the holidays we felt it would be challenging for Jay to find a job right now so the plan is to get through our travel plans and he will find a job in early 2020.  He should have an easier time finding a job since he'll almost be 18.  Be still my beating heart!  Jay has decided not to play basketball this year.  It's bittersweet for Mike and I.  During his junior year when he walked off the basketball court for the last time it was probably a good thing I didn't know it would be his last time.  I will truly miss seeing him on the court but Mike and I completely understood why he made the decision he did.  Last season was less than favorable and it truly brought out the worst in us - never a good sign.  Nick has had basketball try-outs this week and I'm confident he'll make the team.  Certainly going to one boys games this season will be a lot easier to juggle but I will still miss seeing Jay play.  As for me I'm enjoying this time of year but don't look forward to winter.  The signs that winter is coming are all around.  The air is crisp and the leaves are falling.  I'm looking forward to our trips we have planned and I'm truly enjoying every second of Jay's senior year (even though he has no clue what he wants to do next year.....kinda frustrating but understandable).  I am thankful for my mom's good health, my daily laughs with my sister, my sweet friends Mary and Sarah, who have filled a void in my life with Jenny being gone.  We will be reunited with the Ausili's over Thanksgiving and I can't wait!

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