Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Here we are Easter 2020 in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic.  Although the news seems to be a smidge and I mean a smidge more encouraging we are all still in our homes today worshipping.  To be totally honest I feel pretty down in the dumps today and I shouldn't, after all it's Easter. Jesus was and is victorious. I'm just kinda sad.  I miss having my entire family together and I missed being in church today.  My mom came out which was nice but we opted that Kim and her family stay separate from us with everything that is going on.  
Cake always seems to make everything better - at least it does in my world.
Cole never made it through the sermon.  He fell asleep sitting up on Nick's lap and was snoring halfway through the sermon.
Mom was curled up on the couch with Copper and Walker. 

And here we are distancing ourselves from mom.  I haven't hugged my mom in over a month and neither have the boys.  Thankfully we are able to see her though.  If we weren't I'm convinced mom would be a funny farm.  I'm praying for light in the weeks to come.

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