Sunday, August 16, 2020

Our Weekend

Life during COVID is challenging and it feels like it's only getting worse with no end in sight. This weekend was really nice because I did "normal" things and I was able to refocus some of my energy into something positive. Laura and I are orchestrating a welcome back get together for our teachers tomorrow morning. It's a small thing we can do to let our teachers know how much we appreciate them especially since our school district is one of the few that is opening for in person learning - many districts are doing virtual learning only. Laura came out on Friday night and we made our plans over cocktails! Laura is my friend who gets things done. She is awesome!
On Saturday night we had our annual shrimp boil. I enjoy this more and more with each passing year.

Another alligator was smoked this year.  It's kinda gross to see them come out of the smoker but they are really good to eat.

Here's me trying to be discreet and snap a picture of Jay with his friends.  It takes very little to amuse me.

                                              A selfie with Jenna and Erin - two of my favorites.
And the food! And there was a lot of it this year.  I'm pretty sure the IL Dept. of Public Health would say this is not COVID approved. The food was again delish this year.

                                                         Me, Brooke and Darla!

This is Nick and J. - she's going to be a senior and she is the sweetest!  She is also good friends with Jay. I don't know what they were talking about but it was sure cute.
I went to church today in Minier.  The christian church was having service outside in the local park. It felt so good to be in church, at a service, with other people - social distanced of course. It was lovely.

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