Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December in 2020

While 2020 has not been a great year there is still much to be thankful for.  Harpy turned 13 last week. She is such an innocent and sweet girl. Kim threw her a Hawaiian themed party and we gave Covid the middle finger and attended. There was no way we were going to miss this girl turning 13. 

 The weather thus far has been nice.  Nice enough that Nick invited this cluster of boys over this weekend to ride four wheelers! 

As the end of 2020 comes to an end I have to say this has been the most unsettling year with a very uncertain future.  Never in my lifetime I have experienced such a year. I look around me and there is no doubt the fundamentals, values and principles America was founded on are being chipped away.  I'm witnessing things I never thought I would.  Illinois and other blue states have crippled small businesses.  As I drive through town I see tents up in parking lots just so restaurants can still try to serve food.  The tents have heaters in them b/c's December in IL.  My heart goes out to restaurant and bar owners.  In my opinion (so I don't get fact checked) the backbone of our society is our small businesses and our children and what Illinois specifically has done to crush small businesses and our children is absolutely disgraceful. Yes, my son has been in school and I'm incredibly grateful but my niece and nephew have not and they are suffering academically, physically and socially.  There is no data driven science that proves the virus is spread in schools (in fact it is not - fact check me on that) nor is it spread in restaurants.  If the goal is to crush the U.S. economy then we are well on our way for the "The Great Reset." Wake up, people! 

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