Sunday, December 13, 2020

Happy Vs. Joy

 The sermon my pastor delivered this morning inspired this blog so thank you, Mike Baker! However, if I'm honest this has been on my heart for a couple of months now, I just wasn't exactly sure how I wanted to write it.  Mike explained that happiness is different from joy.  Joy is the hope we have in Jesus Christ. He also said we as humans are addicted to happiness.  All true! For me personally I can find blessings in 2020 but I've spent a lot of the year grumbling, unhappy over the current state of affairs until about six weeks ago.  I noticed my attitude started to change.  It's probably something no one else has noticed which proves just how small the change is - ha! When I put a word to this change it's joy.  I started to find the joy in what has been a very difficult year and I believe the year(s) ahead will be just as challenging.  Believing that the years ahead will be difficult and uncertain (this is my just opinion mind you) I still have peace and joy. For example I have missed my grandparents and my dad more than I ever have since they passed. It has brought me great joy to think back on my childhood and my past with them, knowing one day I will be reunited with them.  I remember my dad driving to Nanny's house to pick up the turkey on Thanksgiving. Often times as I'm in the kitchen (which is a lot these days) I think of my grandma as she prepared for the holidays every year in anticipation of hosting her large family.  I'm not sure I would have reflected on them so much but I've had time to do so. This December especially is filled with nothing but time. It's been the first year on Dec. 13 that I have all my Christmas presents bought and wrapped with my Christmas eve and day menu planned.  Even though I don't have sporting events to go to or parties to attend I have found the joy in being home and enjoying my home and family. My husbands schedule has slowed down significantly as he begins a transition into a new career journey - a big blessing of 2020. It's been a joy to have Mike present more and see him relaxed. Being with my friends also brings me great joy.  My friends fill my cup every time I'm with them. My dogs bring me joy and make Mike and I laugh nearly everyday. The year 2020 has taught me that even in the midst of challenges there is still heart felt joy! 

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