Sunday, December 27, 2020

Nick's E.R. visit

On Dec. 17 I got out of bed in the morning quite proud of myself.  We as a family had managed to stay healthy, knowing that on on Dec. 18 we were flying to TX.  2020 has not been an easy year and we were looking forward to spending time with the Ausili's.  Covid had not struck any of us and for 8 people, that is a big deal. Then at 9:30 a.m. I got a call from Nick's school nurse.  He had terrible stomach pain and although he didn't have a fever (an indicator of Covid) he was sweating profusely.  I took Nick to prompt care where his pain got even worse.  Prompt care was concerned enough that they sent him to the E.R.. Covid wasn't even on the radar but we were all worried especially since we had a flight in less than 24 hours.  Nick and I spent the day in the E.R. to learn Nick was constipated.  I can't make this stuff up.  We went to TX with packets of miralax and pepcid and needless to say most of our laughs in TX centered around when and how big Nick's poo would be.  

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