Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tonight, thoughts by Jay

 Back when the boys were small there were nights I thought I might lose my mind.  Funny how things change because tonight is one of those nights I'm pretty sure Jay thought he might lose his mind. Picture it (Yes, I know I sound like Sophia on The Golden Girls) an almost 19 year old boy/man who is living at home because all the plans he had were derailed by Covid. He doesn't seem to mind living at home.  Mom and Dad for the most part stay off his back until dad wants to have "one of those" conversations that revolve around your future which by the way happened just the other night. Then your brother fills the entire pantry with his white cheddar cheez-its making it impossible to find anything you want to pack for your lunch because unlike work full time. All Nick has to do is get up for remote learning which he does in bed with his dog for 5 hours a day while you're out freezing and raking leaves.  Plus there has been a slight problem with the ice maker in our house which granted is a small problem in life but every morning and afternoon you hear your mom going crazy with trying to break up the ice which sticks together which isn't supposed to happen but neither nor mom or dad have bothered to fix it thus far.   It's the same song and dance every morning and afternoon, hearing mom frantically trying to break up the ice and it sounding like nails on a chalkboard from my room.  Tonight you may have reached my your limit.  After being quarantined for a few days with possible Covid you  learned your Covid test was negative and you returned to work because that's just the kind of worker you are. You came home to find your mother asking you a million questions wanting to double check that in fact you were negative for Covid.  Does your throat hurt?  Have your lost your taste and smell?  This was after I already went over these questions with her this morning! Then your brother sits in "your chair." and your mom is annoyed with Nick because he had her order something for him for Christmas from China - apparently mom thinks they may never see it now.  She was complaining about this while she chipped away at the ice that was stuck together AGAIN - with no mention of maybe having the ice maker fixed.  Meanwhile I'm trying to take a pre-test for Algebra so I can attempt to take the real test in January, if and when I get hired as an electrician apprenticeship.  All I want to do is start saving some money so I can get out of this house! 


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