Monday, November 7, 2022

The Struggle Bus

 No one really prepares you what it's like to live with your adult child and teenager.  When I was pregnant many, many years ago I was able to read books to prepare me for what was to come.  I certainly felt more equipped and took the advice of women who were already parenting.  Years ago when Jay was in high school and Nick was in middle school my dear friend, Sarah, gave me great advice.  When dealing with teenage boys you bake, show up, repeat.  Once again I have to shift gears because the bake, show up, repeat doesn't work for my almost 21 year old.  It's not that I think Mike and I need to be actively parenting him.  He will be 21 in January.  That ship has sailed.  However, he does live in our home and there are times I want to say, "Really Jay - Do you think that is a good idea?"  I still try to limit the amount of questions I ask him.  Some things never change.  As far as Nick goes.  He's like a lightening strike.  He bolts into the house, eats and leaves.  Very typical and normal behavior for a 16 year old but this time around I'm four years older than I was when Jay was 16.  My biggest complaint   struggle these days is disrupted sleep.  During the work week this isn't as big of an issue but the weekends it's game on.  I'm asleep, then I'm not.  Then I'm waiting on Nick to come home.  Obviously I don't monitor Jay's comings and goings on the weekends but there is no telling what time he comes home and even though he's courteous I still hear him.  By the time Monday morning rolls around I am literally beat.  Mike and I both are.  For example, last night Nick went to a costume party (he didn't have school the next day).  Jay's girlfriend, Gabby, came over.  Nick was home promptly at his 11:00 curfew. Shortly afterwards Gabby left.  Nick comes into our room to say goodnight then takes his shower.  By this point Mike and I are wide awake.  We finally fall asleep around midnight only to hear Nick's alarm going off at 5am.  Thinking that maybe we can go back to sleep for another hour or so we can hear Nick in the kitchen filling his metal cup with ice.  I throw my arms up in disgust, get out of bed and start my day.  I've been on the struggle bus all day! 

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