Sunday, December 11, 2022


 My mom has living in her new apartment at the "home" for four months now.  She has settled in nicely and compared to the train wreck we had this summer, life is well wonderful.  Mom's favorite phrase these days is so and so is wonderful, you girls are wonderful, Gail (her therapist) is wonderful and so on and so on.  Mom's outlook is bright and I've thanked God many times for this season of grace and restoration He has granted all of us.  We needed it!  True to our nature we also have lots of laughs.  The "home" certainly provides us with some interesting stories.  Last week mom told me she and another resident passed by the Christmas tree that was in the main lobby.  Mom commented that the tree was pretty and the other resident agreed but said she was sad Christmas was over.  Mom called me and shared the confusion over when Christmas actually is and we laughed together, as we always do.  I said, "Well mom it could be worse.  At least you know when Christmas is."  Mom lives next door to a married couple.  I got to meet them this week.  The wife introduced her husband to me as her dad.  The husband rolled his eyes and said "I've been dealing with this crap for 90 years."  Once mom and I were safely in her apartment we laughed again.  Confusion at the "home" is a common theme.  Mom is also playing "secret santa" to her neighbor down the hall, Milford.  Several weeks ago mom decided she was tired of sitting with the women for breakfast so she boldly started sitting with the men.  If you ask me this was wise on mom's part.  She is after all the youngest person at the "home" and still has all her mental capacities.  Plus morning is her best time of day.  I'm pretty sure she shines at that man table every morning.  Anyway one morning Milford shared that he hangs a stocking on his door every Christmas season but no one ever puts anything in his stocking.  Mom being the thoughtful person that she is directed (she's bossy too) Kim to pick up some goodies to fill Milford's stocking.  Milford commented this week that sure enough he found the loot in his stocking!  Mom stayed silent on her role in the secret stocking stuffer.  Yesterday mom bossed asked me to take her out so she could buy an ugly Christmas sweater for some event at the "home."  I did what I was told and we came home with what might be the ugliest but funniest sweater I've ever seen.  Just wait, I'll post pictures in another blog.  This current season of good health mentally and physically for my mom has been a joy for all of us.  It's been so nice to see mom be mom and we are so thankful!  

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