Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

We celebrated NYE with Mary, John, Kim and Craig at our house.  It was a quiet evening.  Just the way I like it.  Mike made brisket so as usual we ate well.  I swear I'm going to start back to my healthy eating lifestyle this month.  I've completely fall off the rails but I'm giving myself a pass.  It's hard to stay on track in December.  Now whether or not I'll participate in dry January remains to be seen.  I have started making a "drinking check list" at the beginning of each week and that has worked well for me.  I don't like going head first into a major change in January.  I like making gradual changes throughout the year.  In any case I am looking forward to 2023 and all it has in store for me and my family.   
My sister!  I'm not sure how I would do life without her.  It was a rough summer for us but by the grace of God we got through it.  I know one major change we had in 2022 was moving mom into Luther Oaks but we are all so happy with that decision.  Mom has settled into her new apartment and is thriving.  Kim and I were able to catch our breath as the summer came to an end and we entered the fall season.  God answered our prayers and gave us a season of rest and grace.  
My boys hung around long enough to eat with us.  Everyone was thrilled to see them, even if just for a short time.  It's been a rough week for Jay.  He and his girlfriend of almost 2 years broke up.  Jay is doing fine and I truly believe 2023 will be an awesome year for him.  He turns 21 in 15 short days.  He will interview for his apprenticeship in March and he continues to prove he has a good head on his shoulders.  There have been so many prayers from my momma's heart for Jay, especially these last few months.  My biggest heart cry is for him to truly know Jesus.  Jay is a believer so I can rest in knowing that but I want him to know who he is in Jesus.  I want him to be comfortable in his own skin. I've left it at the cross.  I know God has plans for both of my boys. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.   

My table completely filled with the ones I love.  That's a perfect NYE in my book.  

 This is what a 30 year friendship looks like.  Mary and I say all the time God sure knew what He was doing when he put us together.  I am so thankful for her friendship.  She has prayed me through so many hard situauations these past few years but she's also been there with a joyous heart in my times of celebration.  I just adore her.  

As I reflect on the past year and enter a new year I can truly say I am optimistic in what 2023 will bring.  I have three heart desires right now that I'm intentionally praying for everyday.  I don't want to share them just yet because they are between me and God right now but I'm confident God is going to answer them, in His perfect timing.  As He does I will write about them.  I always love to see how God shows up!  Peace, joy, and hope to 2023! 

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