Saturday, April 22, 2023

My Walk

 This post isn't about my daily walks but about my spiritual walk.  Several weeks ago I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts (Susie Larson) and her guest was Jeff Kinley.  Jeff studies bible prophecy.  He and Susie discussed end times duirng that podcast and I was riveted.  I accepted Jesus when I was 9 years old and I know Jesus is coming back but I didn't truly understand what that all looked like and certainly there will always be an element of mystery because we're human.  I have devoured so much information on bible prophecy the last two weeks.  I'm embarassed by what little I knew and amazed once again by the God I love and worship.  Sure there are parts of end times that are hard to wrap my head around.  I heard someone say once that if our God was small enough to understand then He wouldn't be big enough to worship.  The more I study bible prophecy the more I long for my eternal destiny.  It also lights a fire in me to spread the gospel.  I don't want anyone that I love to be left behind.  God's love is like no other but so will be His wrath.  Reading about God's love for mankind feels good.  Understanding what it is to fear God and His wrath is often uncomfortable but cannot be ignored.  As believers we know in the end who wins.  Living in these uncertain times and studying bible prophecy has given me abundant peace.  

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