Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Big M

 Well friends I'm afraid I'm in the early phases of menopause.  Not to be T.M.I. but I haven't had a period since December.  Apparently one is considered in menopause once they haven't had a period for over a year so clearly I don't fit into the "official" category but nonetheless I'm 48 and I've always had regular periods.  My biggest challenge right now is my night sweats (Gross) which is the only issue I'm having but it's a big issue.  It's affecting my sleep and as we all know, sleep is vital, especially to middle aged women.  I can almost set a clock at night.  I wake up every 2 hours practically on fire.  Like the hell kind of fire.  I change positions and then I have to pee so I'm up about 3 times a night.  It's super fun.  Poor Mike.  We are soon approaching 25 years of marriage and he's really gotten the bad end of the deal as far as sleeping arrangements.  He's dealt with my snoring for years.  However, in the last year I found a product that stops my snoring.  Who knew?  It's a cheap $20 snore stopper and according to Mike it really works.  I only look like a bull with a hook up my nose when I go to bed but at this point neither of us care.  Just when my snoring gets under control and Mike thinks he can finally start to sleep peacefully I change the sheets on him.  I bought cooling sheets which are bone thin.  I love them.  Mike, not so much.  I also got a fan that sits right by my side of the bed.  Mike says our bedroom at night sounds like a wind tunnel between our ceiling fan and the extra circulating fan by my bedside.  Last night I just had to laugh at this season of life I'm in.  My routine at bedtime now consists of making sure I have a full glass of ice water that sits by my bed, taking my vitamins, putting my sleep mask on, sticking my snore stopper up my nose and starting up all my fans.  I'm not loving all this but I'm finding the humor in it.    

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