Tuesday, April 25, 2023

25 Years

 Today is my 25th wedding anniversary!  Time has truly flown over these 25 years.  Mike and I have lived in two homes together, one of which he built (our current home).  We've been in the trenches of parenting together for 21 years.  We sure love our boys and they have helped mold us into who we are today. We've endured a job loss, the start up of a new business, the death of family members and illnesses of family members.  We've had good times and challenging times but mostly good.  The older I get and the longer I'm married the more appreciative I am of my husband and our marriage.  In true Siebert fashion tonight we aren't doing anything special, just making dinner together and we'll enjoy a glass of whiskey before bed.  Cheers to another 25 years! 

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