In addition to it being Mother's Day, it is also my 35th birthday! All three of my boys cooked me breakfast this morning (eggs and waffles) and from here on out the three of them will be making and planning one weekly dinner. Now, that is a fabulous and thoughtful gift! I loved it!
I feel pretty good at age 35. I am finally at the weight I want to be. I am happily married with two beautiful boys. I have a good job and I'm surrounded by my immediate family members (my mom, dad, sister and niece). I have good, solid friendships with girls who I've been friends with since my early 20's and they still think I'm funny. I guess if you're me, 35 is a pretty good age to be!
Since it is Mother's Day I decided to relfect on something I feel I do well and something my mom did well. I think as mother's we are our own worst critic so it's hard for me to admit something I do well. It's much easier for me to name all the things I don't do well. I think I do a really good job of balancing everything and providing a very structured and loving home for the boys. I know that seems so basic but I work full time and also have a one hour commute to add to my day but somehow I get a warm dinner on the table every night and the four of us sit down to that warm meal each and every night of the work week. In addition, the boys get their time playing outside. We get homework done, baths and I still have the boys in bed by 8:00 (on school nights). However, I would not be able to do this without Mike. Maybe I would but I'd be pretty bitchy about it. My mother is also very good at this! But if I were to name the one thing she did really well it would be she somehow taught Kim and I self-confidence and with girls, I think that's a big deal! We feel good about ourselves as women and are well aware of what we can accomplish. Thanks Mom!