Sunday, May 3, 2009

Age 7 and 3....What great ages!!

I do not want to rush time with my children but I have to admit I was looking forward to when I didn't have to keep a constant eye on Nick and to the day when the boys would have more interaction with each other. The day has finally come and I couldn't be happier! Certainly when we're out in public I have to keep a constant eye on Nick but at home I know he's safe and he's either in his room playing or following his older brother around. It's so nice. He's able to walk up and down stairs by himself, get his shoes on and go to the bathroom himself. What milestones!
The boys are four years apart so it's taken awhile for them to actually "play" together due to the age difference. Nick's daycare provider got him a pop up tent for his birthday. On Friday night, Jay asked if he and Nick could sleep in it. I thought..........Why not? So, the boys nestled into the tent at 8:30 on Friday night and I'm happy to report they were both sound asleep by 9:30. It was so cute to hear them talking together and reading books together during that hour before they fell asleep. They were both up by 7am on Saturday morning and they actually curled up on the couch together to watch cartoons...............miracles really do happen!

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