Tuesday, November 3, 2009

All the wonderful attributes of Jay

Mike and I attended Jay's school conference tonight and although it was positive, it is always very clear to me what a long road Jay has ahead of him. I have to remind myself that Mike and I both had long roads ahead of us too and we made it through. What bothers me is how Jay feels about it. So many times I've heard him say, "I can't do anything right."
Jay, my dear boy, there are so many things you do right.
  • You physically work harder than any 7 year old I know. Recently, you noticed your Aunt Mimi's yard needed raked and you offered to rake it for her (I need to get you over there to do that!) and remember this summer when you mowed her entire lawn, not to mention, you're always willing to help your dad out in any capacity when it comes to our yard.
  • You can have a puzzle entirely put together while I'm still trying to figure out where the first piece goes.
  • Everyone would agree but no one quite put it as perfectly as Christy did when she said one of your best qualities was your unsoliciated displays of affection. When you willingly reach out to a loved one to hug them or just put your arm around them, there is nothing more genuine or sweeter.
  • You try hard and in life, this goes a long way. How many times have you heard me say, just give it your all and feel good about it?

Don't let school frustrate you, Jay. Keep on chugging along. Your dad and I will be your greatest champions. And some of the best advice I've heard from your nana (so I can't take credit for this advice) is, it's not how you start out that matters, it's how you finish.

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

i second that....and jay your aunt mimi thinks you are pretty great too