Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Move over Mary Penguin, there's a new giraffe in town

Nick's love for his family of penguins has always been tried and true, until recently. Last week proclaimed he wanted a giraffe and he would name him "Carter." Mike bought him his giraffe and presented it to him on Saturday night. Now I don't want to go so far to say that Nick is playing favorites but Carter has accompanied him most of the week to daycare and I'm sure he would take her to school, if he fit in his backpack. However, Nick's loyalty has always been to Mary the Penguin (and the rest of his penguin family) so he took her with him today to school and she even went out for ice cream with us tonight. But, Mary (like her owner) has had some behavioral issues lately and Nick has had to inflict some consequences on his beloved Mary. Hence, the picture below, Mary in time out for biting. Oh boy!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

I hope Mary can start making better choices