Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our "Peaceful" Sunday

I accidentally just published my Sunday post and didn't even finish the title. I'm sure the 3 glasses of wine I've had has nothing to do with it. I took the boys to church this morning and what a fiasco that was. Nick has to sit in church with me for about 20 minutes before sunday school starts and he simply can't do it. It usually requires me giving him the evil eyes and squeezing his hand a few times to get him to behave. At one point he loudly asked me, "Hey mom, did you bring enough cash for donuts after church?" During children's time today, the minister asked the kids if there was someone in their family who is just hard to love. Jay's hand immediatley went up. It was like a scene from "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," and Nick played the part of John Candy and Jay was Steve Martin. If Nick wasn't bugging his brother by poking him in the neck, he was giggling in his ear and being obnoxious, proving that to Jay, Nick is the person hardest for him to love in our family. I'll give Jay credit, he never once turned around and let Nick have it.
While we were having dinner tonight, Jay excused himself first and went to check on his gerbils. All of the sudden we hear Jay frantically screaming, "Minnie is bleeding, Minnie is bleeding." He was beyond hysterical and running down the steps with his bleeding gerbil and Yes, he was getting blood everywhere. He carried her to the sink and about 1/4 of her tail was bitten off. We surmised that Mickey (the other gerbil) bit her but we can't figure out why. I put Neosporin on Minnie's tail and she seems to be doing okay. Jay and Mike went to clean up all the blood in his room, cat walk, steps, etc.... and I cleaned up the nasty sink which had blood and gerbil poo in it. Meanwhile, Nick got his stool so he could see all the action going on in the kitchen, which I proceeded to trip on! When I looked around the kitchen I could see small splatters of blood all over my tile floor. That's when I started drinking!
So, here I am 2 hours later, perhaps a little lit but Minnie is recovering nicely, the boys have had their baths and I'm ready to call it a day!

1 comment:

L.C said...

our sunday's are the same! running around frantically trying to get us all to church on time so my husband can help with worship 5 year old telling me not to put my envelope in the basket because he wants to go to mcdonalds after church.... no gerbils for us this i am excited about.
have a good week