Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another fun filled evening

Nick and his "snake."

This time of year I spend my evenings washing clothes, vacuuming the mud room and vacuuming more mud out of the washer. Tonight the boys decided to "spice" it up a bit. Mike was working so the boys and I were on our own for dinner. The evening started out badly with a nasty fight between Jay and Nick. Once I conquered that, we sat down for dinner and Nick spilled his tomato soup. We proceeded to go outside and instantly the neighbor kids came over and within a blink of an eye Jay was covered in mud. Meanwhile the neighbor girl was following me around asking if she could sing to me. In my fog I agreed so in between trying to monitor the mess the boys were in, I was being serenaded by a 5 year old. Nick and Jay and the neighbor boy were building a "sod" fort. Nick found a worm which he insisted was a snake (kind of like the time Nick saw a turkey and insisted it was a big chicken, clearly, Nick has trouble with animal identification). Jay proceeded to get on the trampoline, covered in mud and when I asked him to hose the trampoline off, he turned the hose on me!
Finally I got Nick down to bed and was sitting with Jay reading to him when Nick came bombarding into Jay's room dressed in the clothes I had picked out for him for the following day! He had changed out his jammies and decided he wanted to get ready for school. At least now I know he's fully capable of dressing himself. I got Nick changed back into his jammies and again another overpowering smell overwelmed me. He had gotten into calamine lotion. Half the bottle was gone. Apparently, Nick decided he would bathe in it before bed! Just another fun filled evening. And I do mean that. I just have to shake my head and laugh!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Where's a glass of wine when you need it the most? Ha! Ha!