Monday, April 19, 2010


It was a beautiful morning yesterday so I decided I would take advantage of it and take a walk. Mike was working in his shop and the boys were happily playing outside, enjoying the sunshine. I was only gone for 25 minutes but when I returned the yard was quiet and there was an overwelming smell of coconut. As I continued to walk towards the garage the smell of coconut was overpowering. I walked into the garage and noticed my van looked like it had taken a bad trip the hair salon and got some bad jerry curl products. My van was covered in sunscreen. Jay was the first to rat on his brother. Apparently, Nick got into the spray sunscreen and decided my van needed some extra SPF, try two bottles worth. My side mirrors were so covered they were dripping with what looked like grease from a bad hamburger. I will give Nick credit for one thing, he was smart enough to know if he was going to do it, he would hit my van and not his dad's! Just another fun filled adventure in the Siebert house.


Christy said...

oh my!

Debbie said...

I want pictures. You have one up on me...the boys have never done that. They just take hammers and screw drivers to my car!