Monday, April 5, 2010

My Advice Bucket

I'm learning as I go but if I could leave an "advice" bucket for my boys with just a few simple things that I've learned in my 35 years, this is what it would consist of:
*Jesus loves you, keep him close to your heart and always ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?" It makes you think before you leap head first, hurting another person's feelings and possibly even hurting you.
*It's okay to have 2 or 3 friends. You don't need an army of friends. I'd rather have two or three friends who I truly love spending time and who really get me than with 12 medicore friends.
*Something that seems a big deal at the time is usually insignificant a few weeks later and you end up wondering why you spent so much time worrying about it.
*When everyone or everything fails, family is ALWAYS there! No one knows more about your history and where you came from and who you are than your parents and your sibling.
*High school is so not that important (grades, Yes, socially, No). Trust me, the best is yet to come.
*After high school, get some kind of training, whether it be a 2 year specialized degree or a 4 year degree. It's something no one can take away from you and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
*Be head over heels, over the moon in love with the person you marry. It will help get over those tough times that all marriages hit.
*Never think you're better than anybody. Arrogance is toxic and eventually will come back to bite you.
*Less is more. I just figured this out in my 30's and I've learned this from my boys. They are at their best when they are playing in the lake, running their trucks through the sand and making mud pies. It's the simple things in life that truly make them happy. In this day of modern technology and having your kids signed up for every activity under the sun, they remind me daily they are just children who enjoy good old fashioned fun that money can't buy.


Christy said...

What good advice, Amy! I needed those reminders just this morning. Thank you!

The Stille's said...

very good advice....and so true on so many levels

Steph said...

Soooooooo true!
Congrats on the 1lb!!!! :)