Monday, August 15, 2011

My next chapter

The pages in my next life chapter have been ready to begin for some time now - but there is no denying it any longer.  In three short days both of my children will be in school full time.  Can I believe it?  Yes and No.  It's true that time flies.  I still remember one night back in May 2006 when I was up in the middle of the night feeding Nick (he was just 4 weeks old).  Jay had a bad dream and came down to where I was feeding Nick, hopped in my lap and I remember thinking it doesn't get any better than having my "babies" in my lap in the still of the night but you know what, it does get better.  It will be bittersweet for me to walk Nick into his kindergarten class this week but I am really enjoying this stage with my boys.  I get such a kick out of their personalties and what makes them tick.  Gone are the diapers, potty training, the daily clothing changes (that I would assist with), the baths, feeling the crunching cheerios under my feet and the car seats and high chairs. All that has been replaced with driving kids to and from sporting practices, registering them for elementary school, conversations about good and bad choices, and the constant challenge of keeping two growing boys fed.  Does it grip at my heart that my youngest is entering school - kind of but if I were to be really honest with myself I truly feel this is the stage I'm best at, as a mom.  I love that at a moments notice we can drop everything and go out to dinner together as a family and actually conversate!  I love that I can take my kids to the pool now and actually sit there and relax while watching Jay jump off the diving board for hours (I kid you not).  I think our family has laughed more too.  Don't get me wrong, we've always had fun together but the boys are each developing their own sense of humor and they crack us up.  My mom told me to really enjoy these next few years before Jay turns 14.  What is it with 14, I wonder?  Ha.  No need to worry, I plan on enjoying every second of it. 

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