Monday, August 22, 2011

So Embarassing

It's official, I'm the parent that embarasses her child.  I was hoping to avoid this situation until middle school but it hit Jay in 3rd grade and he's really tuned it up a notch in 4th grade.  Last December after I attended Jay's 3rd grade christmas party he told me I embarassed him and basically said he'd appreciate it if I stopped showing up at school.  Ouch right?  I must admit his words stung and I had a pity party for myself for about a week but trust me, I'm way over it now.......hence me blogging about it. I remember sharing this story with my former boss, Jill, who also has two boys.  She told me she remembered when her son told her the same thing and she acknowledged the first time you hear the words they hurt but she also told me you quickly develop a "thick" skin and get it over.  Plus at the time it was  nice to hear I'm not the only parent who has heard those words from her children.  After this happened I had a conversation with Jay about his hurtful words and how I accept him and his introverted ways and he needed to accept me and my extroverted ways.  He apolgized and I promised I would "tone it down."  Fast forward to this school year.  Jay hasn't been as vocal about me "embarassing" him but he's made it clear he can do without his mother at school.  But Nick is in the picture now.  Jay and Nick are in the same school all day long.  I don't want to say Nick is a mini-me but he kind of is both in looks and personality so technically Jay sort of has his mother at school now all the time, just in a smaller version (hee, hee) and he' made it quite clear that Nick embarasses him too!  I'm just waiting for Jay to really get charged up - at which point I'll break out my giraffe costume (my halloween costume from last year) and walk the boys into school one day in all my giraffe glory.  Nick will think it's the bomb, Jay not so much.


Nathan and Megan said...

I would love to see a picture of that. You are so funny! I can't imagine how I will feel when the time comes!

Katie said...

Hahahaha! I would LOVE to hear about you busting out the giraffe costume. Great threat to hold onto for future reference, like when you don't want him going to unsupervised parties...threaten to show up in it! My dad used to threaten that he was going to come to the Jr. High dances in a liesure suit and sing Elvis. I laugh now at how vain and stupid I was, but at the time I literally would CRY when he joked about this! The thought was MORTIFYING!! Ha! I am glad my boys are still in the stage of Mommy being "the bomb," I know it will hurt my feelings too. But just remember it means you've done your job well because he is becoming independant. :)