Tuesday, November 19, 2013


So many people I know right now are really struggling with issues in their lives.  It weighs heavily on my heart and I've lost a fair amount of sleep from it.  I know that life throws you curve balls and I also know your life can change in an instant.  My mom and I were talking about that today and we were reminded how important it is to be thankful for every moment you have each and every day.  These days I cuddle with Mike just a little bit longer, I hug my boys more than they allow me to on most days.  I give praise to Him in my morning prayers for my family still being intact, the health of my husband and boys, the roof over our heads (especially since just 30 miles from us the people of Washington, IL have been devastated by tornados) the companionship and friendship of my mother and of course my sister and friends.
As a side note my dear friend, Jenny, is headed to Haiti this Friday.  All prayers for her safety and flight are much appreciated.  Her mission consists of building a home.  Nick provided us with a little humor about this.  He can't believe a "bunch of city girls" will be building a house or are even capable of building a house.  Jenny is use to Nick's jibes.  We'll be anticipating pics from Jenny so she can prove Nick wrong - city girls are quite capable of building houses!
And I promise...........I will start taking pictures again.

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