Sunday, March 22, 2015

I don't know

The phrase, "I don't know" is heard all the time around our house and the one who is usually asking the question of "What happened" is Mike.  Things in our house mysteriously disappear or get broken and no one knows what happened.  Nick's Kindle went missing in December and no one knew what happened to it, although I blame Jay.  Mike found 8 empty bottles of water in our yard this week and neither boy had any idea whose bottles they were.  Mike went searching for his winter gloves the other day and Yep, you guessed it, the phrase "I don't know" was delivered.  Last week Mike found a small hole in our dry wall in our dining room (yeah, this stuff happens all the time).  Mike asked me, Jay and Nick what had happened and the phrase "I don't know" was uttered.  Seriously, how can two boys have no clue how a hole was put in the dry wall & as Mike likes to point out how can their mother have no clue what put a hole in the dry wall?  Sigh!  Just this morning Mike asked all three of us to congregate in the garage where he showed us a bucket and inside the bucket was a dead bat.  Mike proceeded to ask us, "What happened here?" Almost in unison all three of us replied, "I don't know."  How did a dead bat end up in a bucket in our garage?  Who the heck knows!  Even our dogs have a "I don't know attitude?"  When Mike found that Cole had chewed up our wood on our front stoop he asked Cole point blank, "Did you do this?"  Whenever Cole is guilty he looks the other way as if to say, yes you guessed it, "I don't know."  And so it goes of the I have no clue, I didn't do it and the I don't knows in the Siebert house. 

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