Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Time marches on

I left my former company and my former job almost four years.  In four years things have sure changed not only in my life but in my former coworker's lives also.  My entire department is completely dismantling.  All of us got together tonight because a large number of my former coworkers are headed to new jobs (in the same company) come Monday morning.  Some things never change though because all my coworkers reminded me of all the hilarious stories I use to share about my boys and they all asked the same question, "Is your house finished yet?"  My boys are still giving me plenty to laugh about and yep, my house still isn't finished.  Getting up and reporting to an office was part of my daily routine for 16 years (12 full time and 4 part time).  I wouldn't trade those years.  I remember many, many winter mornings waking my boys up, getting them out of bed and somehow making it to work on time.  I remember trying to juggle work and sick kids.  I remember going into work some mornings feeling completely defeated by motherhood and having a great group of coworkers who listened and encouraged me.  Do I miss them?  Yes.  Do I miss "it" meaning the daily grind of reporting to an office - NO!!!!  When I think of all my former coworkers reporting to a new job on Monday morning it's bittersweet.  But time marches on.  We are all older now.  Some of my coworkers are grandparents now.  Time marches on.......Most of my former coworkers seem happy about their upcoming move but given the fact their former jobs are going away, they are happy to have a job to go to on Monday.  Only God can be credited for leading me to this job four years ago and not a day goes by that I don't thank Him. 

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