Friday, May 8, 2015

My early Mother's Day

Here's the truth, folks, lately I've been sort of down in the dumps over my family.  About a week ago Mike told me that if I didn't want a gun, knife or fishing pole for Mother's Day then I'd simply have to pick out my gift on my own.  I was ticked!  I know I live with boys but seriously, all I do for them and they can't come up with one single freaking idea!  I begrudgingly headed out and bought myself some jammies.  As I was buying them (oh yeah, I bought them too) I complained to the store clerk, who was an older lady who had raised 4 boys.  She felt my pain.  Anyway, I brought my gift home  and watched Jay wrap my new spring, purple jammies in Christmas wrapping paper; seriously, he couldn't have taken the time to wrap them in fun spring paper (ugh)!  However, since that time things have turned around. Yesterday Nick brought home a picture he drew for me.  The picture said, "Happy Mother's Day."  It had a picture of a boy in a tree with a BB gun and a squirrel shack.  I had to laugh, after all, nothing says Happy Mother's Day like a boy in a tree with a BB gun and a squirrel shack!  That's my Nick.  Then I got an email from Jay's speech teacher.  She told me what a great kid is he, that he works hard at everything he does and recently he had delivered an excellent informative speech on dyslexia (I knew nothing about this speech).  When Jay got home I asked him about the speech and he shared it with me.  It was well written and thought out.  Well done, Jay!  Jay had a basketball game last night and insisted that we stop at the store so he could buy me flowers.  Suddenly staring at my gift I bought myself wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper on my counter wasn't so annoying.  Jay played his bball game and had a really good game.  The boys even won and I got to see my grandparents!  As we were headed home I received a text from another mom, complimenting Nick.  She said Nick had hugged her son at school and thanked him for the birthday money he got him for his birthday because with that money he was able to get exactly what he wanted, a new air soft gun (I know, "shocking").  She ended the text with, "That boy has a heart of gold."  And so once again the Lord has a way of reminding me that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm doing.  My life may be filled with guns, knives, mud and fishing poles but most days my boys have me in gales of laughter!  And God gave me my mother, my sister and some rocking girlfriends who fill my life with pedicures, wine and good conversation that doesn't revolve around which store has ammo on sale this week or how best to fillet a fish! 
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

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